(as linked by bookninja) You read the title right. Apparently “Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters” includes a reader’s discussion guide (you know, those questions at the end of some “book group” books?)
Here are some example questions (from the NYTimes ArtsBeat):
2. In “Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters,” painful personal setbacks often occur at the same moment as sea-monster attacks, suggesting a metaphorical linkage of “monsters” with the pains of romantic disappointment; for example, Marianne is rebuffed by Willoughby at Hydra-Z precisely as the giant mutant lobsters are staging their mutiny. Have you ever been “attacked by giant lobsters,” either figuratively or literally? 5. Which would be worse: being eaten by a shark or consumed by the acidic stomach juice of a sand-shambling man-o’-war? 8. Have you ever been romantically involved with someone who turned out to be a sea witch? 10. Is Monsieur Pierre a symbol for something? Name three other well-known works of Western literature that feature orangutan valets. Are those characters also slain by pirates?
Am I lacking a sense of humor or is this just completely lame? I really hope it’s the latter.