HI! It’s been a while since I’ve posted. I’ve been busy with revisions on my latest middle grade manuscript. I just sent another round of revisions out to my agent, and am waiting for her notes. I’m hoping to be nearing submission to publishers soon! Until then, I’m still plugging away on the MG science fiction project.
Travels: If you follow me on instagram, you saw a couple of pics from my trip to Brussels and Bruges as well as our family trip to Universal Studios in FL. I’ll be traveling to India soon too! It’s been 10 years since the last time I visited, and I’m eager to see what changes I will notice. We plan to travel to Delhi, Agra, and Kochi. It’ll be the first time for my kids, and I’m a bit nervous to see how they handle the long, boring flights as well as the huge time difference.
Wish us luck!