A few more library books my daughter loves. We checked out six books last week and these two have been the ones we’ve read over and over and over again:
Babyberry Pie by Heather Vogel Frederick (Author), Amy Schwartz (Illustrator)
I didn’t realize how much she would love this book but the toddler actually quotes from this one very frequently. “Baby Bewwy rub a dub! Baby Bewwy rub a dub!” Her favorite part is when the baby escapes from his parents and streaks naked across the house (“Look at baby’s bobbon [bottom]!”)

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen (Author), Helen Oxenbury (Illustrator)
This book is apparently a classic, but to be honest, I hadn’t read it before. It is a lot of fun to read with repetitive text and lots of fun onomatapoeiac phrases. Everyone loves to read this one to her: Mommy, Daddy, and even the grandparents. She has pretty much memorized this one. I might have to buy a copy!