My toddler likes to quote from some of her favorite books. Let’s see if you can guess which ones these are!
Mystery Book #1:
Toddler runs inside the house from outside and closes the door. She runs to hug my husband’s legs, looks up at him, and says, “I’m not going on a bear hunt again!”
Mystery Book #2:
We’re out grocery shopping and I ask her what we should buy for dinner. Her response: “Marshmallows!” (she says this one a lot)
Mystery Book #3:
I lean over to say good night and kiss her on her cheek twice. She looks over at Daddy and says, “Yuck yuck! Right, Daddy?”
Mystery Book #4:
I say, “Would you like to eat this red, ripe juicy strawberry?”
She replies, “Or else the big, hungry bear will eat it!”
Mystery Book #5:
And my favorite quote from my daughter (which my twitter followers will have probably heard already):
“Oh, Bother!”
I’m pretty sure I don’t need to link that one.
How did you do?