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Writer's pictureamithaknight

To Nook or Not to Nook

Dear Blog,

It has been a long time since I have posted anything and for that I apologize. I have no excuses other than to say that I just didn’t feel like blogging. In lieu of posting a lame comic today, I decided that I would share some interesting e-reader news. The talk this week is that the Nook isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Apparently, it has lots of bugs and is very slow (see links below). People speculate that once they’ve issued updates, it’ll be much better though. I already have a Kindle so it doesn’t really bother me much.

The next e-reader I buy will have a color e-ink screen and not just a separate LCD one. When I said this to fuhm, he pointed out that Pixel Qi has already starting making hybrid e-ink/color LCD screens which One Laptop Per Child will eventually be using for their $75 laptops so I would hope e-readers would at least incorporate this idea soon if they can’t get the e-ink technology itself to be in color. (This screen looks pretty cool. One of the major flaws of laptops is that you can’t really use them in the sunlight…)

Your friend, Amitha

P.S. Here are some links to Nook-related articles and blog posts(first two via @MichaelHyatt):

Pixel Qi Screen Image from

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