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Picture Book Review: OH NO, Little Dragon! and Except If by Jim Averbeck

“Phooosh! Phooosh!”

(My daughter after reading OH NO, Little Dragon! by Jim Averbeck)

OH NO, Little Dragon! is an adorable and colorful picture book by Jim Averbeck (see his guest post). The story is about a young dragon who loses his “spark” and must figure out how to get it back. The Charles Shulz like drawings (Little Dragon reminds me of Woodstock, who was always my favorite Peanuts character) combined with the dragon’s very toddler-esque behavior really warmed my heart (pun intended). Toddler Monkey was immediately drawn to the bright red cover, and unfortunately so was her toddler cousin, who immediately demanded to take our copy home with her (she has promised to return it though!).

Except If, by Jim Averbeck

This story was a big hit with Toddler Monkey, because it coincidentally features one of her new favorite words “except” (though she likes to say “except of” instead of “except if,” as in, “Everyone loves spinach, except of me!”)  The book reads as a kind of exploration of the imagination. What could possibly come out of an egg? What might this snake also look like? The book also includes a dinosaur and fossils, which are a topic of great fascination right now. “What happened to the dinosaurs? What is the fossil?” The only source of confusion for my toddler is that the book doesn’t look like the bones we’ve seen in the museum. I guess it’s more of an impression kind of fossil. In any case, I already had to read this book about a million times the first week we got it.

Note: I received copies of both books directly from the publisher.

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