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Duck Sock Hop Giveaway Winner and Another Favorite Duck Book

It’s time to announce the winner of the giveaway! (drum roll please!)

The winner is: Brianna! (I’ve emailed her already)

Last week, after the NESCBWI conference, I was on a bit of a Jane Yolen kick. I love Jane Yolen’s books, especially the rhyming ones! This is the one that the toddler has asked for again and again:

Dimity Duck by Jane Yolen

At first I was like, “Dimity Duck, what kind of a name is that?” But as soon as I heard my daughter recite “Dimity Duck waddles and she toddles” (quoting from the book randomly during the day) in her sweet little voice, the musicality of the name really caught my attention.

More favorite Jane Yolen books:

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