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Sep 19, 20142 min read
Preschooler Favorites: Zita the Spacegirl by Ben Hatke
Zita the Spacegirl by Ben Hatke Zita the Spacegirl is a graphic novel for younger readers about a young girl named Zita who discovers an...

Jul 23, 20131 min read
YA Book Review: More Than This by Patrick Ness
The first fifty pages or so read like a post-apocalyptic survival story, mixed with the main character’s memories of his relationships...
Jun 8, 20124 min read
Going Beyond Fan Fic – Making Your Favorite Characters Your Own
“Where do you get your ideas?” This is one of the questions that authors dread because it comes up so frequently, pretty much every time...

Aug 16, 20112 min read
Book Recommendation: Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness
The Chaos Walking trilogy by Patrick Ness is a YA dystopia series about a planet where men’s thoughts can be heard out loud by everyone...
Aug 30, 20102 min read
The Great Balancing Act: Part-time Writer, Full-Time Mom
I miss the good old days before the baby (writing-wise, at least). I’d roll out of bed, eat breakfast, and then write until I was...

Aug 23, 20101 min read
Book Review: Feed by M. T. Anderson
While Anderson’s ability to immerse himself into his character and into the world he creates kind of turned me off in Octavian Nothing,...

Jul 5, 20102 min read
Book Review: Uglies by Scott Westerfield
Anyway, the book is about a young girl named Tally who is living in a post-apocalyptic future where everyone gets major reconstructive...

Oct 1, 20082 min read
Neal Stephenson’s Anathem and made up words
So this morning, my husband showed me this XKCD comic making fun of Neal Stephenson’s new book Anathem (Disclaimer: I have not actually...
Jun 14, 20081 min read
Advice on Submitting to Editors
I found this post on submitting to editors while doing research on publishers and found it helpful. It is an interview with Stacy...
May 8, 20081 min read
The story behind the book
I just read this article from the Boston Globe’s Off the Shelf Blog. It talks about a new book called called Space Vulture by Gary Wolf...
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