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Aug 20, 20101 min read
Boston Area Mockingjay Release Parties
Attention Hunger Games fans: Those of you who haven’t already pre-ordered on Amazon, can get your copy of Mockingjay at local bookstores...

Jul 26, 20101 min read
Book Review: Prizefighter en Mi Casa by e. E. Charlton-Trujillo
This book was amazing. Well-written, exciting, scary, heart-warming, and troubling at times. I lived in Houston, Texas until I was eight...

Jul 12, 20102 min read
Book Review: The Game by Diana Wynne Jones
(spoiler alert) I picked this book up at the library when I was there looking for something else completely. I’ve been wanting to read...

Jul 5, 20102 min read
Book Review: Uglies by Scott Westerfield
Anyway, the book is about a young girl named Tally who is living in a post-apocalyptic future where everyone gets major reconstructive...

Jun 17, 20102 min read
Kindle 2 — My Reading Stats One Year Out
Here are my stats (made easier by Goodreads–I might have to add a new bookshelf for e-books): Books I actually purchased from the Amazon...

May 24, 20102 min read
Kid’s Medical Book review: Autism and Me: Sibling Stories by Ouisie Shapiro
Autism and Me: Sibling Stories by Ouisie Shapiro is a book of testimonials from children about what it’s like to have a sibling with...

May 17, 20102 min read
Book review: The Secret in the Old Attic (Nancy Drew #21)
It did not. The description in the beginning of the book: “Nancy Drew races against time to unravel the clues in a dead man’s letters.”...
May 10, 20101 min read
Brontë sisters action figures!
This is just too cool not to share. Make sure to watch towards the end to see the Brontësaurus in action! #charlottebronte #emilybronte...

May 3, 20102 min read
Kid’s Medical Book Review: ABC Doctor: Staying Healthy from A to Z by Liz Murphy
ABC Doctor: Staying Healthy from A to Z by Liz Murphy is a list of doctor’s visit terminology in alphabetical order, ranging from “A is...

Apr 30, 20101 min read
Kid’s Medical Book Review: My Friend the Doctor by Joanna Cole
My Friend the Doctor by Joanna Cole is a very cute book about a young girl named Hannah who goes to the pediatrician to get a checkup....
Apr 26, 20101 min read
A sneak peek at some new e-ink gadgets has an interesting blogpost about some new e-ink prototypes, including one with a flexible screen: #eink #ereader #video

Apr 16, 20101 min read
Helping Make Doctor Visits Less Scary — Free Online Read-Along Stories for Kids at HANS
Along that vein (pun not intended), I recently came across the website for the Help Autism Now Society. Because autistic kids often have...
Mar 25, 20101 min read
Monkey Week: 10 MG/YA Books Featuring Monkeys
It’s Monkey Week Day #4! Today I’ve got another list of books, but this time we’re discussing MG/YA books featuring monkey characters. In...

Mar 24, 20101 min read
Monkey Week: 10 Monkey Mashups
Aslan the Golden Lion Tamarin You’ve heard of book mashups right? Where you take two different types of stories and mix them up? Like in...

Mar 23, 20101 min read
Monkey Week: 8 Monkey-tastic Board Books
It’s Day 2 of Monkey Week here at Monkey Poop! Today I thought I’d share: 8 Monkey-tastic Board Books That's Not my Monkey by Fiona Watt...
Mar 22, 20102 min read
Monkey Week at Monkey Poop!
I’ve decided to declare this week Monkey Week here at Monkey Poop in honor of my two year blogaversary! Okay, so the anniversary was...
Mar 17, 20101 min read
Eco-dystopic books
I am working on a new novel and wanted to find out about the current market for my book proposal. My book could be classified as an ...
Mar 16, 20101 min read
Ray Bradbury on Writing and Rejection
In junior high (aka middle school to some) I did a project on Ray Bradbury and ended up reading all of his short stories that we had in...

Mar 15, 20101 min read
Informal Book Review: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
And because he blogged about it, several people at his work have even picked it up and read it as well. My husband and I even rushed out...
Mar 11, 20101 min read
Making a Book Cover
(via @bookninja #video
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