5/8: Updated post to show that this is a SIGNED copy of Duck Sock Hop we’re giving away!
My very first guest post is by Jane Kohuth, talented author of Ducks Go Vroom, Estie the Mensch, and the soon-to-be-published picture book, Duck Sock Hop. We have one SIGNED copy of Duck Sock Hop to giveaway to one lucky winner (see below).
Take it away Jane!

Since I’m the author of two children’s books starring ducks, people often ask me if I have a particular affection for these birds. The answer is yes, sort of. That two of my first three books are about happy bands of ducks is more of a coincidence than anything else. I write about lots of things. I’ve sent out lots of manuscripts. That my ducks percentage is so high may really mean that children’s publishing likes ducks even more than I do. But I get it. Ducks have natural advantages. They are comical rather than elegant, cuddly as opposed to fierce or delicate. The word “duck” is fun to say. The sound “quack” is fun to say. Ducks signal giggles in a way that swans and doves don’t. And, okay, I admit it. I love to watch the ducks on the stream near my house. I like ducks. A whole lot.
So in honor of my newly admitted duck affection and my brand new picture book, Duck Sock Hop, here’s my completely subjective list of the
1. Favorite Informational Duck Book

Just Ducks! by Nicola Davies, illustrated by Salvatore Rubbino
I learned a lot about duck behavior from this non-fiction/fiction hybrid about a little girl who loves watching ducks as much as I do.
2. Favorite Classic Duck Book:

Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey
The reason I was so thrilled the time I stopped my car to let a mother duck and ducklings cross the road.
3. Favorite Classic Duck Book Runner-Up:

Angus and the Ducks by Marjorie Flack
This one has the winning combination of dog and ducks!
4. Favorite Duck Who Might Not Be a Duck Book:

Duck! Rabbit! by Amy Krause Rosenthal, illustrated by Tom Lichtenheld
A whole book that plays on one clever optical illusion. I got to see Amy Krause Rosenthal read this one out loud. Highly entertaining.
5. Favorite Duck Stowaway Book:
Dodsworth in New York by Tim Egan
Dodsworth is not a duck, but his, umm, friend, is. And his friend follows him around the world in this book and its sequels.
6. Favorite Duck Buddies Book (After Duck Sock Hop, of course!):
Duck Dunks by Lynne Berry, Illustrated by Hiroe Nakata
These vibrant splashes of tiny yellow ducklings head for the beach together in one of their many adventures.
7. Favorite Duck Who Stands up for Himself Book:
Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury
8. Favorite Duck Who Drives a Vehicle Book:
Duck on a Bike by David Shannon
And can I choose a runner-up for this one, too? And can I choose my own book? (Amitha’s note: Of course!)
9. Favorite Ducks Who Drive a Vehicle Book (Runner-up):
Runner up: Ducks Go Vroom by Jane Kohuth, illustrated by Viviana Garofoli
This one is primarily about ducks who are very bad houseguests, but they do drive a snazzy red convertible.
10. Favorite OTHER Book Featuring a Duck and Socks:
Sally and the Purple Socks by Lisze Bechtold
This is an extremely charming book about a domestically inclined duck and a magical mail-order pair of socks. I read it after I wrote Duck Sock Hop, and I couldn’t help loving it despite the fact that I wasn’t the first one to think that ducks wearing socks would be awesome.
Jane Kohuth graduated from Brandeis University with a degree in English and Creative Writing and from Harvard Divinity School with a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies. She has worked as a Jewish educator, a children’s room library assistant, a writing teacher, and a children’s bookseller and organizer of author events. Jane’s first book, Ducks Go Vroom, was one of Parents Magazine’s 20 Best Books of 2011. Her picture book Estie the Mensch is a PJ Library selection. Kirkus says her new book, Duck Sock Hop, is “Ready made for wonderful fun at story time (sock theme, anyone?) or as one rollicking lap read, but be prepared, as kids will flock to hear it again.” In celebration of the release of Duck Sock Hop, she’ll be holding real live sock hops in stores and libraries. She also visits schools to talk to students about writing and to run writing workshops. To find out more, please visit her website, www.janekohuth.com.
Want more Ducks?
The launch party for Duck Sock Hop will be May 19th at Wellesley Books! You can also meet author Jane Kohuth here:
Eight Cousins, Falmouth, MA: Saturday, May 26, 11 AM – 1 PM
The Blue Bunny, Dedham, MA: Thursday, June 7, 6:30 PM
To see more Boston area book signings by your favorite authors, check out my boskidlit calendar.
Other stops on Jane’s blog tour:
And now for details about the very important book giveaway! To win a signed copy of Duck Sock Hop, leave a comment below with either 1)the title of your favorite duck book OR 2) a description of your favorite pair of socks! Leave your comment by 10PM Eastern time on Wednesday 5/9. Only one entry per person, please! I’ll randomly choose a winner and post the results on my blog on Friday 5/11.
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